Wednesday 7 September 2016

Save 27 minutes of your daily laundry time with this!

Sunita is a 29 year old mother of two mischievous boys and a home maker. Like most women in the same age and circumstance, she spends most of her time running behind her children and tackling chores around the house.

As a result, she is in a constant juggle to find solutions to household tasks that optimize her time and energy because as she’ll tell you, 24 hours just isn’t enough to get everything done. From cooking hacks to nap time schedules she has tried it all. One of the most time consuming chores for Sunita everyday was the daily laundry. Washing, drying and folding clothes took away a precious two hours every day.

Besides just the process of doing these chores, drying clothes on the floor standing clotheslines meant that she lock herself in the room while doing the chore and leave the room locked for the rest of the day lest her toddler comes in and starts tugging on the clothes or worse topples the line.

For some time, Sunita tried to switch to a traditional ceiling clotheslines but couldn’t find the right instrument to do it. For novices, the art of dropping the clothes on the line using a stick and spreading it optimally seems like an Olympic level sport. As a last resort, Sunita finally posted in her local mother’s group on Facebook to see if there was a hack someone could offer. That’s when she discovered the ceiling mount pulley operated clotheslines from Ecospace Clotheslines. Endorsed overwhelmingly by over 70% members in the group, this looked like a promising solution to her daily woes.

Fully customizable according the space available in your apartment, this wonder product works with marine grade nylon pulleys that allow you to easily hang clothes. The system consists of 2-5 stainless steel pipes that can be lowered to hang damp laundry right out of the machine and raised to allow them to dry in the warm ceiling air.

Because the pipes are made of stainless steel, there is no worry of rusting or sagging. While the number of pipes can be customized to your preference, the average pulley operated clothes line can take an astounding 10 – 12 kg of wet clothes which is almost the entire single day laundry of a household of four.

The pulley can be mounted on unused celling space including closed spaces like bathrooms which is perfect from a privacy point of view. The clothesline can be anywhere between 3 – 9 feet in length and is a perfect option for the wet season when clothes may require extra dry time.

Some intuitive advantages including causing lesser creases on the clothes due to the pipe’s wide diameter and 6” space between the pipes that allows faster drying. The system is designed to be accessible to people with different abilities too.

Sunita used to earlier spend a total of 45 minutes to hang wet clothes and remove the dry ones. Today she does this in an average 18 minutes. So... when are you switching to the smarter way of drying your clothes? 

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